The third model which has been proposed to add a more significant contribution would be related with transferring the signal in a wireless manner. Such scenario would be important to be performed in many situations where these stations and their units would be located in a relatively separated and far distances. It is worth to mention that there are several factors which must be consider when handling the wireless signal transfer. One of these are the data rate, which can strongly depend on the antenna power to specify the distance of transmission. The relation related with the distance, antenna. Another significant matter to be consider with the wireless signal transfer is the radio path where it should be in consideration the availability of Line-of-Sight (LoS) paths between the different stations and units. For our proposed model it has been added a wireless signal transfer model as an additional model within the wired connection, such model would be by setting the appropriate configuration and connecting to the sever of Smart client, which has been provided by Siemens company.

For our case study it has been utilized the software of Smart Client to perform the wireless communication and set the appropriate configuration for that. Smart Client gives the best half and half arrangement between conventional Windows-based administration programming and electronic arrangements. In contrast to other undertaking programming, Smart Client empowers clients and administrators to work from the website, a call community or home office with neighborhood information, which is kept in consistent synchronization when on the web. At the point when no web association is accessible, you can keep working, and information will be synchronized when the association is reestablished. The first step was to open the portal software and download the HMI to set the smart server on it and make sure the success of the operation.
The second step is going over the Rum me setting then clicking on the selection box of start smart server. Then back to the downloaded screen to download again the HMI to be enabled.
The next step including going to the HMI, first we need to stop the runtime, then going to their setting, and click on the WinCC Internet Setting icon. The next step would be going to remote tab inside the WinCC internet setting. Finally, select the option of start automatically after booting.
The followed step was to going on change setting button on the WinCC Internet Settings window, to specify the password which I will be used for remotely connection.
The followed step was to going on change setting button on the WinCC Internet Settings window, to specify the password which I will be used for remotely connection.